Bridget Bazunu Ministries  


Building Lives, Families, and Communities  with the Gospel of Jesus Christ  for Over 20 Years...


"Set Free" Agape Marriage Boot Camp


1.      “A Trail-blazing and Daring Adventure” of self-discovery for each partner in a marriage.

2.      “A Marriage Work out” for couples. You and your partner will get practical tools to exercise and tone your
         “marriage muscles.” 

3.      “A Rebirthing place” where unconditional love, commitment, empathy, friendship, trust, communication, and
         all the essential ingredients of a marriage are reborn. We are a launching pad for new beginnings, exhilarating
         discoveries, and countless possibilities for your relationship.

4.      “A Marriage Clinic” for strengthening, healing, restoring, and reviving marriages and families.

5.      “A Marriage Workshop” equipped to give you the tools to tune-up and lubricate the engine of your marriage to
         run efficiently.

6.      “A Judgment-free Sanctuary” where you and your mate will feel safe to unwind, take off your masks, strip off
         all defenses, and be “naked and vulnerable, yet unashamed” through dialogue and mutual understanding.

7.     "A Safe Habor for Reconciliation." You and your spouse will have the opportunity to engage in interactive
         exercises that would identify each other's needs, reconcile your differences or inconpatibility issues, and have a
         profound connection.

Marriage Boot Camp

"Agape Marriage Workshop" is a Christ-centered relationship intensive training and workshop designed to empower couples to build essential relationship skills. We go after the root-cause of marital conflicts and storms. Dealing with the “root” eliminates the “fruits” or physical manifestations that trigger conflict.
Couples will identify gateways through which the devil entered their union and close them. When they confront what is in them that attacts the enemy and close the access doors, they will be empowered to wade off demonic exploitations in their marriages. They will be more inclined to be vulnerable to enter each other's worlds, mirror their souls, and connect on a deeper level.  

Unlike traditional marriage seminars, you will not sit through boring or grueling long lectures. You and your spouse will actively participate in intense, interactive, and life-changing exercises that will cultivate love, improve communication skills, resolve conflict, build mutual trust, harmonize differences, develop genuine friendship, cultivate healthy boundaries, enhance emotional, physical, and sexual intimacy, and much more.

Whether you are getting married or have been married for 4 or 4o years, you will benefit greatly from a workable marriage curriculum designed to furnish you with the knowledge and skills to bear “good fruits” and build a wholesome union.

Dream it... Visualize it... Believe it...  Get practical tools to “Storm-Proof,” “Conflict Fire-Proof,” and “Divorce-Proof” your relationship and build the marriage of your dreams.

Defuse Marriage Conflict Bombs
   Conference and Workshop

Register for:
Defuse Marriage Conflict Bombs Workshop

Marriage Workshop


Marriage Workshop

Marriage Workshop


Bridget, Bring a Marriage Boot Camp/Workshop to  my Town/City